The Rat gets 2 extra days of Everlasting life for exposing the evil apostate. If he's DF'd she gets her own Panda to picnic with.
Laud our God, Laud Jehovah God...
well, after fading for 5 1/2 years, keeping a low profile, hoping to keep the lines of communication open with the ones we loved for the last three decades, i got the phone call today.
they let me know it was two elders on the phone and they needed to talk with me about a judicial matter in that some serious accusations were made against me.. background: in march of 2005 i was contacted via email by a "sister" we have known for 25 years who we have always felt very close to.
i'll call her julie, because that's her real name.
The Rat gets 2 extra days of Everlasting life for exposing the evil apostate. If he's DF'd she gets her own Panda to picnic with.
Laud our God, Laud Jehovah God...
here is a few pics of our home...they are not very good though ...lol...i don't have any pictures up yet, most of my plants are setting on my table (still), some stuff is still out in the moving van and our grass is not in and garage is not built (the cut lumber in our yard is going to be milled and used for our deck and garage)!
here's our back yard ...but since we faced the home inwards..i guess it's our front yard!..lol.
You could have a bookstudy in a house like that!
Are you the first millionare apostate?
Congrats on a wunnerfull home.
webpage on jehovah's witnesses in science fiction.
In the first animated version of Heavy Metal you see the words "Kingdom Hall" on the front of a building behind one of the main characters. Only there for a second or two. Had to slow it down to see it clearly. Laughed pretty hard.
this morning the speaker was late and they had to change the wachtower study with the public talk.. the young elder introducing this, was maybe a bit nervous of this happening (although it is certainly not the first time this year), and told that the public intercourse of the wachttower study would be held first, instead of the public discourse.
Semi literate reader read sentence in Rev book, "and brothers Knorr and Franz left the U.S. on a world "cycling" tour. (Circling)
One brother read "Tabernacle" as Tableknackers.
Another brother read that "Mosey came down from the mountain to the Israelites with the two tablets."
Enough already.
the watchtower claims that hisorians say 1914 was when the world changed forever.
as a jw the year 1914 is repeated so endlessly that it seems it must have been the turning point in history and hence the beginning of the last days.
but i have never really heard anyone else ever mention that year, apart from the odd history lesson on ww1.. do people in general ever think of or discuss 1914 as being a year of any significance?.
Let's face it, when before in human history has ONE GENERATION seen all the events prophisied in Revelation for the time of the end? Hasn't the GENERATION OF 1914 seen wars, pestilince, famine, and the preaching of the glorious Good News of the kingdom? Think of how it all fits! When before has a generation of people seen mankind go from horse and buggy to rockets and nuclear bombs in ONE LIFETIME?
No, wait, my mistake...
That's the old light.
when i first started studying with the jehovah witnesses, although i am a technical, matter of fact type of guy, the thing that got my attention was the genuine love i saw in the congregation (this was in the early 80's).
it made such a impression on me that i ignored some of the serious questions i had about the organization and went ahead and got baptized (i figured things would get sorted out over time and decided to give the society the benefit of the doubt) .
the congregation i went to was a fireball, full of activity and good works and growing fast.
The 1980's were soon after the 1975 debacle. Many were thinking we were in overtime and that soon Armageddoon was fast approaching. There were new schools opened, MTS, and exciting statements about he year of peace mid eighties. It was possible to get people to Aux Pioneer then because it was so fresh in publisher's minds that we were in overtime as it were.
Then the "Work" opened in Eastern Europe, Jehooba was opening the work so we could get the last of the russians into the truth before the end! Now that's proof. In time the whole thing fell apart and the congregation became an automaton that just rolled along.
Now its all about the numbers,
hideous to be sure.
i am 21 and live in ny.
i lived in sc for 2 years and went to college there.
while i was there, i met a 27 year old married man and he had an affair with me.
You would be a celebrity! Your interacial marriage would be a living example of the world they are looking foward to. The only thing you have to be prepared for is the usual predjudices you find anywhere else. They will pay lip service to your marriage being ok, but will treat you as if you were an outcast. We had a white brother with a black wife and he was looked at as a disturber. It didn't help that he was, in fact, a bit of a nut.
I don't agree that your man will neccesarily cheat on you because he cheated on his first wife. Even so, I would have a hard time trusting what he says in general.
On top of that, are you crazy? You want to join these kooks in sitting around waiting for the end of the flippin world? Sheesshhhh.
Go find a nice agnostic who is busy building a life and hasn't been an adulterer or a religious fanatic.
Who cares what color?
how long will it be before the wt sets up a theme park.
with all that money from the sale of brooklyn property it would be a shame not to use it for some other cash generating scheme.
we could have the hall of the presidents with robotic figures all driven by hot air.. why not the beth sareem experience.
There would be the "Return Visit" road rally ride where you drive a little go cart with three dummys. You drive around a track and look at doors to houses and write down that you've visited them in a book. The first one to stop in front of 10 empty houses and complete thier log wins.
There would be the "Endure by Making Meetings" challange. This would be an adventure course where you have to walk 7 miles barefoot and wade across a raging stream to get to the Kingdom Hall. First one there to comment wins a pair of sandals.
There would be the "Bookbag Toss". Here you throw a bookbag full of literature across a chasm and try to hit a householder on the other side.
hope this worked.
i thought a memorial was not to be a way to make the deceased the object of adoration.
isnt it supposed to glorify joho and make known the glorious prospect of the ressurection?
I could be wrong, but the sailboat looks like the painting that used to be in the lobby of the Bossert hotel. It depicts Russell on the deck of the ship that he sailed to England on. If you look close you can see Russell ont he deck in the origional. Could just be a coincidence....
Maybe Danny liked boats?
a rumor alert indeed, but it could be related to the distribution of kingdom news no.37, "false religions end is near.".
the following is posted from e-watchman's forum.. make of it what you will, but in light of all the rhetoric about "deliverance at hand" and "independent thinking", nothing would surprise me anymore.. http://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1502&st=0 we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
I can't imagine that they would disfellowship for not reporting FS. TI's not logical to cut off so great a great number of individuals. I don't know what its about but its certainly not that. I agree, its probably more false excitement about the enevitable end. More crap from the head liars of the Governing B.